Risking Everything
Humans have evolved to depend on light. Harnessing light one could create atmospheres, experiences and more. It is what makes modern life possible. Following an initial investigation into artificial lighting as well as a concern for the increasing amount of light pollution in the Anthropocene, the building has been designed to accommodate research and investigation for a future lighting source: biolights. These are produced by inserting the genetic coding that creates bioluminescence into non-toxic bacteria to produce bioluminescence. Once engineered and grown, the bacteria can be encapsulated within transparent shells, and by feeding these bacteria with the appropriate nutrients they will be able to live and make light. These biolights cost no energy, produce zero waste, and do not contribute to light pollution.
The 'Biolights Research Centre' is split into public spaces for public viewing and laboratory spaces for the researchers. The aim is to provide the researchers with the optimal environment for testing, whilst exposing visitors to this new form of lighting technology. The laboratories are also split into DNA labs, where scientists extract and modify bioluminescent genes, and testing labs, where researchers test the efficiency of the biolights.